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视频下载服务已成为全球数百万人依赖的必备工具之一,用于下载和保存视频剪辑。ViDownTube 提供了一项视频下载服务,可免费从所有社交媒体平台下载各种类型的视频,包括电影、音乐和音频剪辑,使下载视频的过程简单快捷。ViDownTube 提供了几种下载视频的功能,如选择视频质量和在下载时选择文件格式。要开始使用视频下载服务,只需将想要下载的视频链接粘贴到上面指定的字段中,然后点击下载按钮。下载将快速启动,然后您就可以享受观看您喜爱的视频了。







Frequently asked questions

Yes! If you wish to download videos from X that are not yours, you need to ensure they are not protected by copyright. You need to obtain permission from the author, for example, through an email or a paper document confirming the authorization for saving for personal use or any other purpose.

Yes, Vidown supports downloading videos from TikTok.

Absolutely yes, with Vidown you can download 4k videos quickly and easily.

Yes! We have an app for Android users who want to save videos on their phones. We’ve created a mobile app that can be used to download videos quickly. Everything you need is in one place, so you won’t have to switch between different apps.

Live streams cannot be downloaded until they are finished. You must wait for the live stream to end and be saved to become available for download.

The Vimeo download program is completely free for all users and can be enjoyed while downloading videos from Vimeo without restrictions.

Yes, our service for downloading videos from Facebook is available for free and for an unlimited period. We do not ask for any fees.

We support most video formats including MP4 with SD, HD, FullHD, 2K, 4K qualities. The quality depends on the original uploaded video.

If you don’t have a specific need, we highly recommend saving the video in the MP4 format. MP4 is the most popular format in the world. It combines high quality with compression, providing an excellent output in a small-sized file. Additionally, it doesn’t require licensed codecs that you’d need to pay for.

Videos are usually saved in a specific folder on your computer after downloading. In most cases, the saving path is determined during the download process, and you can change this path if you wish. Generally, videos are saved in the Downloads folder on the computer, but you can also choose another folder for saving if you are using a specific program for downloading videos.

